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Boats & Kayaks

Boats & Kayaks

  • Excursion 5 Set

    Excursion 5 Set


    Excursion 5 Set has a 4-person capacity and 3 air chambers including inner auxilliary chamber in hull for extra buoyancy. Boston valve on two main hull chambers for quick-fill, fast-deflate. Rugged vinyl construction. All-aournd grab line. Inflatable...
  • Explorer 200 Set 2-person Boat

    Explorer 200 Set 2-person Boat


    Explorer 200 Boat Set is a 2-person Pool boat, 73" x 37" x 16", 11 gauge vinyl. The Explorer features two air chambers with double valves grab rope on bow, inflatable floor for comfort and rigidity, weilded oar locks, and U.S. Coast Guard I.D. 210 lb...
  • Explorer K2 Kayak

    Explorer K2 Kayak


    Explorer K2 Kayak has sporty graphics for high visibility and low-profile for lakes and mild rivers. Streamlined design for easy paddling and cockpit designed for comfort and space. Made of rugged vinyl construction and has grab line on both ends...
  • Intex Mariner 3 Boat Set

    Intex Mariner 3 Boat Set


    Intex Mariner 3 Boat Set has 2 Boston valves for quick fill/deflate. Made of super tough construction, had all-around grab line, 2 fishing rod holders, 2 inflatable seats, 1 gear pouch, 1 battery pouch, welded on pin-type oarlock, oar holders and motor...
  • Seahawk 2 Boat Set

    Seahawk 2 Boat Set


    Seahawk 2 Boat Set SKU# 68347EP This 2-Person Capacity Boat is perfect for a day on the lake, whether you are fishing, camping, or just cruising! Lightweight and compact, this inflatable boat is a snap to assemble and can be ready for water in no time...
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