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Hobby & Leisure

Hobby & Leisure

  • Gold Digger(TM) Metal Detector

    Gold Digger(TM) Metal Detector


    • Automatic tuning & ground balance ;• Power/sensitivity adjustment;• Trash eliminator control to remove most undesirable items from detection;• Includes .125" headphone jack & headphones ;• Treasure meter to determine strength of signal ;• Detects...
  • VLF(TM) 2.1 Metal Detector

    VLF(TM) 2.1 Metal Detector


    • Discrimination control eliminates iron & most unwanted items;• Maximizes depth detection with sensitivity control;• Detects coin-size objects up to 5" deep & larger objects up to 3ft;• Volume proportional to signal strength;• 2 search modes;• Variable...