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Hobby & Leisure

Hobby & Leisure

  • Discovery(R) 2200 Metal Detector

    Discovery(R) 2200 Metal Detector


    • Ultra lightweight;• Advanced discrimination & notching;• 9 target category;• All digital controls with easy to read depth indicator;• 9-segment digital target identification;• 4 tone audio feedback;• 1-touch zap eliminates unwanted targets;• Push...
  • Quick Draw(TM) II Metal Detector

    Quick Draw(TM) II Metal Detector


    • Detects coin-size objects up to 8" deep; larger objects up to 3ft ;• 8" interchangeable, waterproof search coil ;• Notch & auto notch modes ;• 3-tone audio discrimination ;• Touch pad selection ;• Sensitivity & discrimination controls ;• 3-level iron...